Shellback Tactical LLC offers a 10% discount to our nation's heroes - military, law enforcement and first responders. We have partnered with GovX ID to verify credentials to receive the discount.

  1. Claim Your Discount

    Click the orange claim discount button above and you'll be asked verify your affiliation with GovX ID. Verification is real-time and secure. If you already have a GovX ID account, just log in!

  2. Get Coupon Code

    After you verify, you'll receive a single-use discount code for 10% off to apply at checkout. Be sure to copy your code.

  3. Apply Code

    Time to shop! Enter code in the coupon/gift certificate box at checkout to save 10%. For future purchases, simply log in with your GovX ID to unlock a new discount code. Limit one code per day.

This program is designed purchases made by individuals, not bulk government orders.  For bulk government orders, please contact our sales team by phone at 888.493.1855 or by email at